Stop Lights is the name of my classroom discipline plan.  This is how my discipline plan works.  Each child receives a library pocket with their name on it.  Each student will have a green, yellow and red lollipop in their pocket.  If a student breaks a classroom rule the first time the green lollipop gets taken out.  If the students breaks another rule the yellow lollipop gets taken out.  The third time that student breaks a rule the red lollipop is taken out and their name goes on the board.  They also miss five minutes of recess when they loose their red lollipop. Any additional problems that same day leads to calling the parents and/or talking with Mr. Volk.  At the end of the day, before the students go home, I will then award the students stickers on their incentive chart or they will earn pennies (when we get to money) to buy things from the prize box. If they have all three lollipops they get two stickers or pennies, if they have two lollipops left they earn one sticker, and of course if they just have their red or no lollipops left they don't learn any stickers..  IF no one in the class looses any for the day then I will reward them with three stickers or pennies.


Classroom Rules
1.Follow directions.
2.Use your walking feet.
3.Be nice to others.
4.Keep your hands, feet and other objects to   yourself.
5.Raise your hand to speak.
6.Stay in your seats unless you have permission from the teacher.